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Explore Tasmania


Check out this road trip exploring Tasmania with a focus on natural scenery, wildlife and the local culture. 


5 days


Hobart to Hobart


Best Time of the Year

All year round


  • Montezuma Falls
  • Cradle Mountain
  • West coast
  • Seafood dinner
  • Picnic in Crackpot
  • Checking out MONA

The Journey


1 2 3 4 5 6

Day 1
Hobart to Mt. Wellington

Distance 17.2km - Driving Time 29min

We touched down at Hobart airport, immediately picked up our Britz and headed out on the road. Joined by a Hobart local we headed straight up to Mt. Wellington. Winding through the middle of Hobart is great. Lots going on especially down at the Salamanca markets. Leaving the city we spotted many beautiful Federation style homes and had as we wound up the road to Mt. Wellington we had a good chance to have a chat and catch up on old times.

The scenery changed drastically as we approached the summit with a beautiful array of Australian wildlife, hardy enough to survive the windswept and sometimes freezing climate. The top of the mountain was incredible. We were able to see most of Hobart up there and get an idea of what was to come.

Day 2
Mt Wellington to Queenstown

Distance 277km - Driving Time 4hrs 4mins

Day two was all about getting on the road and making our way through the guts of e. We got up early and headed North West along the A10 in the drizzling rain. Despite the weather the scenery was spectacular, as every turn seemed to reveal a new landscape with a variety of plants and s of sheep and goats.

As we crossed the Bridge and neared Queenstown we started to climb a bit, and after a while we approached the abandoned mining town (of apparently less than 2,000 residents). Queenstown was eerie, and a reminder that fly-in-fly-out isn’t necessarily a new concept when it comes to Australia’s natural resources. We stayed on the outskirts of town, did some shopping and prepared ourselves for the next day’s journey.

Day 3
Queenstown to Cradle Mountain

Distance 132km - Driving Time 2hrs 15min

We headed out over the north-western plains of Tasmania at the crack of dawn towards n, a weathered old port town which apparently used to support the mining industry, but now is a quaint reprieve for s to stretch their legs and have some lunch. We did just that. After that we headed to Montezuma Falls, a short 1hr walk where we finally were able to get time with nature. It’s a beautiful walk with a wide path which leads you through a gulley and up towards the waterfall. At 100m it is Tasmania’s highest waterfall, and walking across the bridge in front of it, you definitely get a sense of scale/fear of heights. Following that we drove up towards Cradle Mountain. As our trusty Voyager made its way up it started snowing. It was the first time I’d seen snow and was excited to get out and feel it falling – Alicia knew better. In our new white world we climbed further up to a campervan spot, cooked up a small feast and did our best to keep warm as the snow continued to fall outside.

Day 4
Cradle Mountain to Sheffield

Distance 62.4km - Driving Time 1hr 4min

Day four was all about Cradle Mountain. We headed towards the tourist centre, got a bus in and started our round trip. There was snow everywhere, and the walk was incredible – we spotted wombats and wallabies as we made it through the terrain. Hiking around Dove and Cradle Lake was a good way to stretch our legs from the cold night before, and we felt a small sense of accomplishment as we met the summit, only to realise that the overland track spans much further than the eye can see.

Next we headed out towards Sheffield where we booked a cottage for the evening on the last lot of farms in a pristine landscape of green rolling hills – kind of like the Sound of Music. The cottage was a re-purposed stables that had been standing for over 100 years, and with a view that looked out on to a backdrop of paddocks and mountains, it was truly breath-taking.

Day 5
Sheffield to Hobart

Distance 272km - Driving Time 3hrs 30min

We rose early on day five to take the long road back to Hobart. It was a great drive and the Britz held up really well even in harsh winds. By this time we were both settled in to campervan life so it was with great displeasure that we had to take it back home, but not before a quick stop off at MONA to check the latest exhibitions.

Day 6
Road trip highlights:

Where the best view was? 
The best view was waking up in Cradle Mountain where everything was covered in snow – you don’t expect that in Australia.
Where you stopped for a picnic? 
We stopped in Crackpot for a picnic – that was great, we pulled up down by a kayak training lake in total privacy and enjoyed lunch in the sun
Where was your favorite place/town visited and why? 
Sheffield was incredible. The best part about it was it that was AirBnb, so there weren’t the usual tourist vibes, rather we were met by a family of young farmers who made our stay extra special
What was your favorite experience/activity & why?
The Cradle Mountain walk was amazing – it’s a full days walk (if you want it to be) and such a great way to get out into the elements and back in touch with nature.
Top highlights? 
○ Waking up to snow at Cradle Mountain.
Best café for coffee? 
MONA, Hobart
Favourite pub/restaurant?
New Sydney Hotel – Hobart
Did you have a favorite Holiday Park you stayed in and why?
Cradle Mountain if this counts? It was a great set-up and the perfect place to pull into after a long days drive.
What would be your top tip for other campervan travelers?
Pack light, there’s no need to clutter your life – campervans are all about living simply and having your home wherever you go.

Plan ahead – if you’re looking to go to a campervan park, make sure you book as sometimes it can get a little hairy.

Can you share a recipe from something you cooked in the campervan? 
Bangers and mash, crowd favourite and takes no time to cook.
What is your greatest memory of the whole campervan holiday?
Playing stupid games and having a wine in the back of the campervan while it was -5 outside at night in Cradle Mountain